Excelsior AS
Principal: Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK (former Microm Int. Germany).
Sleek new touch screen interface with intuitive operator software and capable for run both rapid
Biopsies & conventional Programs.
- Reagent can be pre-heated up to 35°C minimizing tissue shock and facilitating reagent penetration.
- Up to 75% saving in reagents compared to traditional systems.
- Eight customized programs and eight flush options
- High Throughput: up to 300 Cassettes/ run
- Built-in downdraft ventilation minimizes operator exposure to hazardous vapors when the reaction chamber lid is open
- Two independent remote alarms alert user when away from unit or after hours
- Glass lid allows viewing during processing
- Approval: CE Approved.
Microtome features:
- Manual light touch rotary flywheel
- Section thickness from 1µm to 500µm
- 40μm specimen retraction on return stroke
- XY specimen orientation with 360° z axis rotation