Elisys Quattro
Analyzer type : 4 plate fully automated ELISA analyzer Reagent system : Open (Human tests predefined) Throughput (max.): Up to 7 plates / run
Reaction / reading system: 96 Well microtiterplate Operation mode: Prescheduled batch, continuous loading (plate batch)
Operating software: Window 95, 98, 2000, XP
- Measuring modes: EIA photometric
- Analysis modes: Endpoint
- Calculation modes: Qualitative by user definable result classes, cut-off , Quantitative calculation algorithms
- Calculation algorithms: Linear , quadratic, cubic, robust linear regression, cubic spline, akima, point-point, 4-parameter, Michaelis-Menten, user-defined, stored model
Sample/ Control / Calibrator
- Sample type: Blood, plasma, serum, urine
- Samples positions: Max. of 180 tubes Sample volume 10 µl to 300 µl (with 300 µl tip) 301 to 1000 µl (with 1100 µl tip)
- Sample loading : Continuous
- Pre-dilution : Up to 152 dilution cuvettes
- Sample identification by barcode: Internal barcode reader
Reaction Unit / Incubation
- Capacity : 4 independently controlled chambers; 4 independent ambient positions