- Liquid Chromatography
- Pharmaceutical Physical Testing
- Life Science
- Analytical & Enterprise Solutions
- Laboratory Equipment
- Freezer
- Refrigerator
- Centrifuge
- Shaker
- Incubator
- Oven
- Muffle Furnace
- Water Bath
- Water Purification
- Sterilizer
- Laminar Airflow
- Biosafety Cabinet
- Desiccator
- Data Logger
- Plant Growth Chamber
- Stirrer Line
- Micropipette
- Measuring Viscosity
- Rotary Evaporator/Separation
- Bomb Calorimeter
- Temperature Controlling System
- Mill
- Chiller
- Electrochemistry
- Heating System
- Crushing/Disperser
- Laboratory Filtration & Separation Technologies
- Water & Environment
- TOC Analyzers
- Microscopy
- Food & Feed Line
- Balance
- Flow Cytometry
- LC Software
- Gas Generators
- Waters Corporation, USA
- Pharma Test Apparatebau AG, Germany
- BioMerieux S.A, France
- Perkin Elmer, USA
- HACH Company, USA
- Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, Germany
- Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA
- Cytiva (Whatman), USA
- Veolia Water Technology & Solutions, France
- VELP Scientifica srl, Italy
- IKA, Germany
- NUVE, Turkey
- Himedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., India
- IDEXX Laboratories, USA
- Sartorius, Germany
Multiparameter Test Kits
Model: CN-67
Control of chlorine and pH in pools and spas to maintain safe bathing conditions and to protect against system corrosion.
- Number of tests: 300
- Platform : Color Disc
- Range: 6.6 – 8.4 pH units
- Range 2: 0 – 3.4 mg/L Cl2
Model: CN-39WR
Chlorine, Hardness, Iron, and pH Test Kit combines popular water treatment tests into one compact kit. The chlorine test is USEPA-accepted for drinking water testing if approved by individual states.
- Number of tests: 100
- Platform : Color Disc
- Range: 0 – 3.4 mg/L Cl2
Model: HA-62B
Includes color disc and color comparator for colorimetric comparison of iron (0-7 mpg/L) and pH (4-10), and a drop-count titrator for hardness determination. Test kit produces a wide range of pH tests.
- Tests for hardness using titration, and iron (0-7 mg/L), and pH (4-10) using a color disc
- Number of tests: 100
- Platform : Color Disc
Model: FF-1A
Maintaining good water quality is essential for profitable fish production. In many cases, availability and cost of “crop” insurance is directly related to testing programs. This kit utilizes drop count titration and color disc methods to deliver the fast, accurate results you need.
- Clear instructions for measuring common aquaculture/fish farming parameters
- Simple, accurate methods
Model: FF-2
Maintaining good water quality is essential for profitable fish production. In many cases, the availability and cost of “crop” insurance is directly related to testing programs.
- Allows measurement of 10 critical fresh water parameters using accurate Digital Titrator titration and continuous color-disc colorimetry
- Meters for dissolved oxygen are available as options
Model: FF-3
Maintaining good water quality is essential for profitable fish production. In many cases, the availability and cost of “crop” insurance is directly related to testing programs.
- Specialized for saltwater applications
- Measures 10 critical parameters with digital titrator, drop count, and color discs
- Exclusive tests, just for this kit
The ideal tool for source water monitoring and wastewater treatment plants, this kit uses drop count titration and color disc methods to provide economical, easy-to-use tests for ammonia (0-2.4 mg/L), chlorine (0-3.4 mg/L), pH (0-14), nitrate (0-40 mg/L), dissolved oxygen (0.2-20 mg/L), phosphorus (0-40 mg/L), and temperature. The rugged, lightweight kit includes the convenient pH Pocket Pro™ Tester and all necessary apparatus and reagents for testing.
- Ideal tool for both industrial and municipal water treatment plants
- Accurate, economical drop count titration and color disc methods
- Rugged, lightweight kit includes everything you need to get started
Model: SIW-1
Cat# 2496000
A test kit for professional scientists and non-scientists alike, the SIW-1 Soil and Irrigation Water Test Kit is ideal for fertility analysis, site characterization, and irrigation water quality assessment under a wide variety of conditions. Farmers, researchers, extension agents, and educators can use the versatile test kit at remote sites, in the classroom, or even in areas lacking electricity.
- Simple, accurate methods
- Comprehensive manual
Instrument Test Kits
The CEL Advanced Drinking Water Laboratory provides complete field capabilitities, with instrumentation and tests that cover every major drinking water parameter. Kit includes DR 900 Colorimeter, HQ40d Multi-meter, PHC201 pH probe (1 meter cable), and CDC401 conductivity probe (1 meter cable), as well as Digital Titrator, reagent sets, apparatus, illustrated instrument manual, procedure manual CD and sturdy field case.
- On-site Results in an Easy-to-Use, Rugged, Portable Lab
- Durable Hard-sided Cases
- Versatile for Lab or Field Use
- Real-time Decisions
- Reliable Results
Contains a DR 1900 portable spectrophotometer and Digital Titrator, along with reagents and apparatus necessary to run approximately 100 tests on 24 different parameters. Two test kit cases with molded inserts are included. One case holds instrument and accessories, the other holds reagents and testing apparatus. The instrument case has additional storage space for adding optional pH meter, portable turbimeter, and 2 probes. Case size (2 cases): 21×11.5×11 (WxDxH)
- Contains durable instruments, premeasured reagents impervious to environmental contamination, and apparatus and labware
- Rugged kit stands up to harsh environments and challenging samples
- Instruments all have option of running on batteries, so tests can be run immediately without concern for sample preservation and handling
- DR 1900 portable spectrophotomer is incredibly light (3.3lbs), and can read Hach’s TNT+ vials
Most important environmental tests can be performed using just one portable laboratory, with everything necessary for determining water quality in the field with fast, on-the-spot results.
- On-site Results in an Easy-to-Use, Rugged, Portable Lab
- Durable Hard-sided Cases
- Versatile for Lab or Field Use
- Real-time Decisions
- Reliable Results
Hach’s Immunoassay test kits use Hach’s rugged and waterproof Pocket Colorimeter II (PCII) instrument to measure parameters such as Alachlor, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), and Atrazine. Many kits come equipped with soil extraction equipment, also sold separately. Replacement reagent sets and accessories are also available. Each kits comes complete with instrument, apparatus, reagent, instructions, and rugged Hach carrying case.
Test Strips
5 in 1 test strips are great for quick, on-site evaluations of water quality with reliable results on every test. These mulit-parameter test strips test for five water quality measurements on 1 strip. Contains 50 tests.
- Free Chlorine (0-10 mg/L)
- Total Chlorine (0-10 mg/L)
- Total Hardness (as CaCO3, 0-25 gpg and 0-425 mg/L)
- Total Alkalinity (as CaCO3, 0-240 mg/L)
- pH (6.2 – 8.4)
The most widely used disinfectant for drinking water, chlorine is also important for sanitizing swimming pools, cooling towers, other industrial equipment, and in the treatment of municipal wastewater.
- Method Name: Test Strips
- Model: TS
- Number of tests: 50
- Parameter: Chlorine, low range – as free & total Cl2
- Platform : Test Strip
- Range: 0 to 10 Cl2
- Ship Wt. (lbs): 0.2
- Smallest Increment Steps: Steps: 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 10
- Method Name: Titration Strip
- Model: QuanTab® **
- Number of tests: 40
- Parameter: Chloride – as Cl-
- Platform : Test Strip
- Range: 30 to 600 Cl-
- Ship Wt. (lbs): 0.2
- Smallest Increment Steps: 10-20 ppm increments
- Method Name: Titration Strip
- Model: QuanTab® **
- Number of tests: 40
- Parameter: Chloride – as Cl-
- Platform : Test Strip
- Range: 30 to 600 Cl-
- Ship Wt. (lbs): 0.2
- Smallest Increment Steps: 10-20 ppm increments
- Model: Test Strips
- Number of tests: 50
- Parameter: Hardness, Total – as CaCO3
- Platform : Test Strip
- Range: 0 to 425 ppm
- Range 2: 0 to 25 gpg
- Ship Wt. (lbs): 0.2
- Smallest Increment Steps: Steps: 0, 25, 50, 120, 250, 425 ppm
Provides a simple, fast, economical method of pH measurement. Obtain accurate results in weakly buffered, turbid and lightly colored samples. Measures 0-14 pH.
- Test Strips are great for quick evaluations of pH levels in the lab or in the field
- Easy to use, disposable, and inexpensive!
Suitable for both lab and field testing,
- Model: Test Strips
- Number of tests: 25
- Parameter: Ammonia, Nitrogen, low range – As NH3-N, For freshwater
- Platform : Test Strip
- Range: 0 to 6 ppm
- Ship Wt. (lbs): 0.25
- Smallest Increment Steps: Steps: 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, 6.0 ppm
- Method Name: Titration Strip
- Model: QuanTab® **
- Number of tests: 40
- Parameter: Chloride – as Cl-
- Platform : Test Strip
- Range: 300 to 6000 ppm Cl-
- Ship Wt. (lbs): 0.2
- Smallest Increment Steps: 100-200 ppm increments
- Model: Test Strips
- Number of tests: 50
- Parameter: pH, mid range
- Platform : Test Strip
- Range: 4 to 9 pH
- Ship Wt. (lbs): 0.2
- Smallest Increment Steps: Steps: 4,5,6,7,8,9 pH
Hach test strips are manufactured with a unique reagent pad at the tip, using proven chemistries based on standard reference methods. Just dip the strip, wait until color development occurs, and compare the color of the reacted pad to the chart printed on the bottle.
*This product has not been evaluated to test for chlorine and chloramines in medical applications in the United States.
- Number of tests: 100
- Parameter: Free Chlorine, High Range
- Platform : Test Strip
- Range: 0 to 600 mg/L Cl2
- Smallest Increment Steps: Steps: 0, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600
Single Parameter Test Kit
Model: NI-8
- Method Name: Color disc/Nessler reagent
- Parameter: Nitrogen-Ammonia, mid-range – For freshwater
- Range: to NH3-N
- Ranges: 0.1 to 3.0 NH3-N
- Smallest Increment Steps: 0.1
- Tests: 100
Model: AL-AP, mg/L
- Method Name: Drop count titration/Sulfuric acid
- Parameter: Alkalinity – (P) & Total (MO) – as CaCO3
- Range 1: 5 to 100 mg/L
- Range 2: 20 to 400 mg/L
- Smallest Increment Steps: 5, 20
- Tests: 100
Model: Test Strip (EZ)
- Range : 0-500ppb, 0-4000ppb (Dual Range)
- Color Chart Increment:
- Low Range:0,10,25,50,70,100,250 &500ppb
- High Range: 0,35,75,175,500,1500&4000ppb
- Lowest Sensitivity, 10ppb (0.01ppm)
- Reaction time: 20 minutes
- No. of Reagents involved: 02 (each of 100Tests Reagent)
- Sulfamic Acid
- Zinc
- Including all chemicals & accessories to perform 100 Test
Model: CA-23
- Method Name: Drop count titration/ Sodium hydroxide Phenolphthalein
- Parameter: Carbon Dioxide – as CO2
- Ranges 1: 1.25 to 25 mg/L CO2
- Range 2: 2 to 40
- Range 3: 5 to 100
- Smallest Increment Steps: 1.25, 2, 5
- Tests: 200
Model: 8-P
- Method Name: Drop count titration/ Silver nitrate
- Parameter: Chloride – as Cl-
- Range 1: 5 to 100 mg/L Cl-
- Range 2: 20 to 400 mg/L Cl-
- Smallest Increment Steps: 5, 20
- Tests: 100
Model: CD-51
- Method Name: Drop count titration/ Silver nitrate
- Parameter: Chloride – As Cl-
- Range 1: 500 to 10,000 mg/L Cl-
- Range 2: 5000 to 100,000 mg/L Cl-
- Smallest Increment Steps: 500, 5000
- Tests: 100
Model: OX-2P
- Case Style: D
- Method Name: Drop count titration/ Modified Winkler
- Model: OX-2P
- Number of tests: 100 Sample size is 60 mL
- Parameter: Dissolved Oxygen – as DO
- Platform : Drop Count Titrator
- Range 1: 0.2 to 4 O2
- Range 2: 1 to 20 mg/L O2
- Ship Wt. (lbs): 3
Model: AL-TA
- Footnote: *mg/L unless otherwise noted, ppb = µg/L, ppm = mg/L.; gpg = grains per gallon; 1 gpg = 17.1 mg/L or 17.1 ppm.
- Method Name: Drop count titration/ Sulfuric acid.
- Model: AL-TA
- Number of tests: 100
- Parameter: Alkalinity – (P) & Total (MO) as CaCO3
- Range: 23 to 495 gpg
- Range 2: 385 to 8,500 mg/L
- Ship Wt. (lbs): 1
Model: FM- 1
- Method Name: Drop count titration/ Thymolphthalein
- Parameter: Formaldehyde – As CH2O
- Range: 0.5 to 10 %
- Range 2: 0.05 to 1 %
- Smallest Increment Steps: 0.5 %
- Test: 100 test
Model: 5-EP MG-L
- Method Name: Drop count titration/ EDTA-powder pillows
- Parameter: Hardness, total – As CaCO3
- Range: 20 to 400 mg/L CaCO3
- Smallest Increment Steps: 20 mg/L
- Tests: 100
Model: MN-5
- Method Name: Color disc/Cold periodate
- Parameter: Manganese – As Mn
- Range: to Mn
- Ranges: 0.1 to 3.0 mg/L Mn
- Smallest Increment Steps: 0.1
- Tests: 100
Model: CN-66F
- Method Name: Color disc/DPD
- Parameter: Chlorine, low range – as free Cl2
- Range: 0 to 3.4 mg/L
- Smallest Increment Steps: 0.1
- Tests: 100
Model: CN-66T
- Method Name: Color disc/DPD
- Parameter: Chlorine, low range – as total Cl2
- Range: 0 to 3.4 mg/L Cl2
- Smallest Increment Steps: 0.1
- Tests: 100
Model: CN-80
- Method Name: Color Disc/DPD
- Parameter: Chlorine, low range – as free & total Cl2
- Range 1: 0.1 – 3.4 mg/L
- Range 2: 0.5 – 10 mg/L
- Ranges: 0.02 – 0.7 mg/L
- Smallest Increment Steps: 0.1, 0.5, 0.02
- Test: 100
Each Pocket Colorimeter II Instrument comes complete as a ready-to-use kit that includes a reagent set (pre-measured unit dose reagents), sturdy custom carrying case, and manual.
- Absorbance: 0 to 2.5 Abs
- Detector: Silicon detector
- Display: LCD, backlit
- Method Name: Colorimeter/DPD
- Operating Humidity: max. 90 % relative humidity (non-condensing)
- Operating Temperature: 10 to 40 °C
- Parameter: Chlorine, low range – as free & total Cl2
- Power supply: 4, AAA size alkaline cells
- Range: 0.02 to 2.00 mg/L F&T Cl2
- Range 2: 0.1 to 8.0 mg/L CI2
- Ranges: to F&T Cl2
- Sample Cell Compatibility: 1 inch round / 13 mm round /1cm square (with optional adapter)
- Sample Cell Path Length: 1 inch round (25,4 mm) and 10mm square with adapter
- Smallest Increment Steps: 0.01, 0.1
- Spectral bandwidth: 15 nm filter bandwidth
- Wavelength Accuracy: Fixed wavelength ± 2 nm varies with model
- Wavelength Range: varies with model
- Wavelength Selection: Fixed wavelength
- Tests: 50-100
- Parameter: Color – as color units
- Range: to units
- Range 2: 0 to 500 units
- Ranges: 0 to 100 units
- Smallest Increment Steps: 25, 5
- Tests: No Limit
Model: CU-6
- Method Name: Color-disc/Bicinchoninate, Hydrosulfite reduction
- Parameter: Copper – As free & total Cu?
- Range: to mg/L
- Ranges: 0.2 to 4 mg/L
- Smallest Increment Steps: 0.1
- Tests: 50 (Free), 50 (Total)
Model: IR-18B
- Method Name: Color disc/ 1,10 Phenanthroline
- Parameter: Iron, medium range – as Fe
- Range: to Fe
- Ranges: 0.2 to 7 mg/L Fe
- Tests: 100
Model: CN-80
- Method Name: Color Disc/DPD
- Parameter: Chlorine, low range – as free & total Cl2
- Range 1: 0.1 – 3.4 mg/L
- Range 2: 0.5 – 10 mg/L
- Ranges: 0.02 – 0.7 mg/L
- Smallest Increment Steps: 0.1, 0.5, 0.02
- Test: 100
Model: NI-11
- Method Name: Color disc/ Cadmium reduction
- Parameter: Nitrogen, Nitrate – As NO3–N
- Range: to NO3–N
- Ranges: 1 to 30 mg/L NO3—N
- Smallest Increment Steps: 1
- Tests: 100
Model: NI-6
- Method Name: Color disc/ Ferrous sulfate
- Parameter: Nitrogen, Nitrite, high range – As NO2-
- Range: to NO2-
- Range 2: 0 to 2,000 mg/L NO2-
- Ranges: 0 to 80 mg/L NO2-
- Smallest Increment Steps: 40, 2
- Tests: 100
Model: OZ-2
- Method Name: Color disc/DPD
- Parameter: Ozone – As O3
- Ranges: 0 – 2.2 mg/L
- Smallest Increment Steps: 0.05
- Tests: 100
- Detector: Silicon detector
- Display: LCD, backlit
- Method Name: Colorimeter/ Indigo Trisulfonate
- Range: 0.01 – 0.25 mg/L O?
- Smallest Increment Steps: 0.01
- Wavelength Accuracy: Fixed wavelength ± 2 nm varies with model
- Tests: 25
Model: PO-19
- Method Name: Color disc/Ascorbic acid
- Parameter: Phosphorus, Orthophosphate (reactive) – as PO43-
- Range: to PO4
- Range 1: 0 to 4 mg/L PO4
- Range 2: 0 to 40 mg/L PO4
- Ranges 3: 0 to 0.8 mg/L PO4
- Smallest Increment Steps: 0.02
- Tests: 100
Model: SI-5
- Method Name: Color disc/Heteropolyblueamino acid
- Parameter: Silica, high range – as SiO2
- Range 1: 0 to 30 mg/L SiO2
- Range 2: 20 to 800 mg/L SiO2
- Smallest Increment Steps: 1, 20
- Tests: 100
- Tests: 100
Model: SI-7
- Model: SI-7
- Method Name: Color disc/Heteropolyblue, amino acid
- Parameter: Silica, low range – As SiO2
- Range: 0.02 to 1 mg/L SiO2
- Smallest Increment Steps: 0.02
- Tests: 100
- Method Name: Extinction/Turbidimetric
- Parameter: Sulfate – As SO42-
- Ranges: 50 to 200 mg/L
- Smallest Increment: 50
- Tests: 100
- Hach digital titrators use a high-precision dispensation device and replaceable titrant cartridges for highly accurate results in the field or lab. More than 50 different paramaters and/or ranges are available to suit many testing applications. Each kit includes comprehensive instructions, apparatus, reagents, and a rugged carrying case.
- Quick-change cartridges allows the user to switch parameters in seconds, and each cartridge provides between 40-100 titrations, depending on sample concentration. Common parameters available include: Hardness, Alkalinity, Chlorine, chloride, Sulfite, sulfide, carbon dioxide, and acidity.
- Delivery: 800 digits/mL or 0.00125 mL/digit
- Accuracy*: ± 1% for readings over 100 digits. (Uncertainty
- of readings is 1 digit. Most samples require more than 100 digits.)