- Liquid Chromatography
- Pharmaceutical Physical Testing
- Life Science
- Analytical & Enterprise Solutions
- Laboratory Equipment
- Freezer
- Refrigerator
- Centrifuge
- Shaker
- Incubator
- Oven
- Muffle Furnace
- Water Bath
- Water Purification
- Sterilizer
- Laminar Airflow
- Biosafety Cabinet
- Desiccator
- Data Logger
- Plant Growth Chamber
- Stirrer Line
- Micropipette
- Measuring Viscosity
- Rotary Evaporator/Separation
- Bomb Calorimeter
- Temperature Controlling System
- Mill
- Chiller
- Electrochemistry
- Heating System
- Crushing/Disperser
- Laboratory Filtration & Separation Technologies
- Water & Environment
- TOC Analyzers
- Microscopy
- Food & Feed Line
- Balance
- Flow Cytometry
- LC Software
- Gas Generators
- Waters Corporation, USA
- Pharma Test Apparatebau AG, Germany
- BioMerieux S.A, France
- Perkin Elmer, USA
- HACH Company, USA
- Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, Germany
- Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA
- Cytiva (Whatman), USA
- Veolia Water Technology & Solutions, France
- VELP Scientifica srl, Italy
- IKA, Germany
- NUVE, Turkey
- Himedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., India
- IDEXX Laboratories, USA
- Sartorius, Germany
Pharma Test Online Dissolution Systems offering a good number of advantages
- User free sampling
- On-line measurement of drug absorbance
- Accurate sampling timing
- Precise sampling positioning both either using an inside media sampling probe (Insitu) or a removing EPE sampling system which remains only inside the media as long as sampling takes place
- Data correction, using the on-line Standard and/or Blank Media and automated result calculation will save time and offer highest quality data presentation

The ADS system offers an auto dissolution package incorporating validated systems. A state of the art Dissolution Bath Type PTWS 1210 with 12 vessels. Incorporated tablet drop magazine and removable sampling manifold EPE. A PDA Diode Array SA500 Diode Array UV/VIS spectrophotometer with 16 cell changer of any other branch with a suitable cell changer is possible to be connected into the system if equipped with 16-cell changer, 16 channel peristaltic pump equipped with Ismaprene tubing. Using the PTWS 1210 and EPE Auto Sampling System the sampling probes are being removed after each sampling sequence.
- System automates the taking of samples, the most labour intensive stage of a dissolution test
- No media loss due to closed loop design
- Choice of pump type, peristaltic or piston pump
- Automated sampling eliminates human errors as equal sampling times and standardized solvent transport offer high reproducability
- Offers unattended operation after start of dissolution run
- Minimal change over time due to straight forward cleaning solution

Staggered or simultaneous stirrer start, manual or automated operation is offered by the advanced ADS-PTWS610 System. It includes an Ismatec Multi Channel Peristaltic Pump and a SA500 UV/VIS Diode Array Spectrophotometer or a T70 UV/VIS split beam UV/VIS Photometer with 8-cell changer. The fully automated closed loop Tablet Dissolution Testing System is controlled by the WinDiss32 Software Suite which is fully 21CFR Part 11 compliant.
- System automates the taking of samples, the most labour intensive stage of a dissolution test
- No media loss due to closed loop design
- Choice of pump type, peristaltic or piston pump
- Automated sampling eliminates human errors as equal sampling times and standardized solvent transport offer high reproducibility
- Offers unattended operation after start of dissolution run
- Minimal change over time due to straight forward cleaning solution, Excellent reproducibility and drift stability
- Integrated 8 way UV cell changer for 10×10 mm flow-cells
- High performance characteristics flexibility, User friendly operation.

IDS or In situ Dissolution System is about the application of direct measurement technology to Dissolution Testing. Using IDS 1000, not only can the whole process of sample measurement be automated, but can also be self contained, such that there is no need for samples to be pumped out of the dissolution vessels to external measurement facilities such as a spectrometer, because all that is needed for the measurements to be made is contained within the confines of the instrument itself.
- In-Situ measurement using fibre optic probes and hollow shafts
- Integrated diode array spectrophotometer for rapid results
- No sample pump or tubing system required
- Clear-view Plexiglass water bath for excellent visibility of samples
- Interfaces – RS232 and I/O port for remote control in automated applications